Project Micro Spraying in the AS-CASTING foundry

| Company, Products

Why would you change from a working spraying process to a new technology that requires a high level of technological awareness and innovative spirit?

The case study “Project Micro Spraying in the AS-CASTING foundry” also asks and answers this question. AS-CASTING, together with Šebesta took on the opportunity to implement Wollin’s Mirco Spraying technology to full-scale production.

One of the driving factors for AS-CASTING to implement a new technology was the increase in order intakes, thus also the need to shorten the cycle times and the need to save resources.

If you want to know in-depth:

- why AS-CASTING made to switch to micro spraying

- how AS-CASTING approached the conversion from conventional spraying to micro spraying and

- what the results and conclusions were 

then read the whole case study now!

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